Nothing like a little danger once in a while... will this small ball of knitpicks shine be enought to finish the edging of my surprising project!!!! (this is a sneak preview).. more will follow....(0.0)
Miss Dashwood is finished..!!!(well im sewing on the ties as i write this...I only used one ball of the yarn.. so naturally little booties were made with the extra..what is a pretty hat without matching booties!!!...on to the next project......I think some lace knitting is needed..
Question:.. can this end up being this ? I shall know in about an hour or so...I was reading some posts on craftster.org.. some possitive and some negative about this baby hat... my oun opinion is that the directions were written very well..the execution was a bit tricky... lots of knit 4s tog, cast on sts and bind them off.. and so on...(u need knitting needles with a good point) "if" i make another miss dashwood..I will know what to expect.. as far as the yarn I'm using.... its soft but not droopy.. just right for the hat..
More booties!!! I'm not that happy with the finished result. I'm not sure if it was the pattern or the yarn.. maybe both.. I probably wont be making these again....
My short 'n sweet from Happy Hooker all finished. I decided to block it so the pattern shows up a little better. Right off the hook it looked a little crunched up until I put it on. I like it closed under the bustline so I crocheted a little flower pin to fasten it.. I'm happy with the finished result..(^_^)

This is just tooo cute.!! The sweater abigail is wearing is from a bernat cotton tots booklet made before she was born.. ok oogling over baby time is over.. back to work...(^_^)

hummmm.. now who is going to eat all of these!!!
A happy birthday cup cake for my bf..the icing was a bit drippy..but it still tasted good.. (^_^)
Another crochet project on the way...this is what I did yesterday in stead of..this
I was unable to make it due to car problems.. sorry I missed it..looks like everyone had a good time.
Yes I actually do knit.. I seem to be on a crochet binge right now + a shrug thing..I can't seem to stop making shrugs. I realised that I go through knitting (crochet) themes.. like the sock theme and the hat and scarf theme and the sweater theme.. now I'm in the shrug theme.. wonder what will be next..(besides baby booties)(0.o)!!
Wow.. I was unable to post for a bit because of internet issues and then blogger had some problems and was down for a bit...soooo.. I took a trip to my LYS (local yarn shop) and this is what I came home with...lots of cotton for baby booties and a baby sweater.. the last skein of lorna's laces which I can probably squeeze a short pair of socks out of...and some sock patterns. (if u want a closer look just click on the picture for the full size)
and.. who can leave a yarn shop without some kid mohair (0.0)!!

moving right alone... I'm adding the fringe on my sweet pea shawl..this one is made with..Feza Kid Mohair..its light as a feather..and I luv it!!!

I see lace!!!! This will work..The yarn is some (old) phildar alpaca that has been in my stash forever... it was dyed pink with kool-aid a while ago.. then was moved from the closet to a basket...and yesterday i decided to over-dye it with some violet wilton icing color and red kool-aid.. which made a blackish concoction...when added over the pink.. ended up this pretty color.. I think we are a team again.. (^_^)
I don't see lace..(>.<)...this yarn looked nice in the ball.. but it's not for lace..now i have 3 balls of yarn that I'm probably not ever going to use... and no yarn for my lace project.. back to the drawing board..(shhhhh.. this yarn might end up in the christmas yarn exchange)!!! I still want to make the flower basket shawl.. so I'm going to shop around online for more yarn.. I was considering spinning some gray alpace fleece
that is sitting in a basket in the corner..but that would delay my project even more..I'll keep that in mind for the next project(a more ambitious project)...(^_^)