Some Sirdar Snuggly made it in the bag also..this is for a special little baby project.. more on that later..
A word to the wise.. ( that obviously wasn't me today).. don't go touching all the soft looking yarn in the yarn shop... or... they might have to follow you this is Zephyr silk/wool.. and it feels wonderful.. I'm tucking this away for some lovely future lace project... Btw.. the yarn shop we visited today is Knit and Nibble.. and if your in Tampa it's worth the visit.. the staff is very helpful and friendly.. the shop is just loaded with yarn and needles..
My road trip project of the day was a guy sweater that I started this before Christmas..unfortunately I wasn't very happy with the yarn.. so I put it down and only work on it here and there.. so far the back , fronts and part of a sleeve are finished.. I started on the sleeve today.. all that yarn shopping makes you hungry and on the way home there was a Pei Wei.. so yummy.. next time we go on a little road trip wont forget to bring my camera.. I forgot it in all the excitement..