Not much going on as far as knitting... there is very little progress on my striped noro scarf.. I'm over the half way mark and I've been working on it forever.. I've been squeezing in a row here and there..hopefully it will be done some time in the next year which is tomorrow hahah..
In the mean time.. Have a Happy New years celebration.. drive safely.. (^_^)
Just finished this boy beanie that will be an after Christmas present for my nephew. I used lion brand cotton ease again.. and again I really like how this yarn crochets..its soft and has some memory and just a nice feel about it... I like how this beanie turned out and now I might make a few more for all the guys that have to endure the cold weather this winter.. I mean the guys that I know.. not ALL the guys in the world.. that would take the rest of my life!!

Here is a little sneak peek of my striped noro scarf.. I really like the color way..the person I'm making it for likes dark and understated colors and I think the colors are perfect. (^_^)
More progress on my color block cardigan #1 and #2.. the pink cardigan has taken almost a week to get to that point.. I've been squeezing in knitting time on my breaks at work and here and there when I can.. the blue cardigan has taken one afternoon to get to the same point... how you ask yourself is that possible ... well santa's little helper.. the knitting machine. I worked the garter st. border by hand then transfered the sts. onto the knitting machine and did the rest.. I did notice that the right front is curling a bit.. I hope a little blocking will fix that....I have some plans to embellish these a little.. I'm going to see how much I can get done on them today..and I still have to do the i-cord border on both sweaters...(^_^)
Color block cardigan #1 is moving along rather quickly... I'm using Vanna's choice by lion brand for this project and I went up one needle size to get the gauge. I think this is the fastest sweater ever to knit... I think the i-cord trim will take longer to knit than the entire sweater.. This pattern can be found in oneskein.
The Winter issue of Knitty is up.. and there are some beautiful patterns.. I think my favorite is Ice queen and I really really really love Three tams... I might just have to add these to my already very long list of projects I would like to knit.. I have a day off today.. so of course I need to try to put a dent in my holiday knitting.. go little needles go..!!