The other night I woke up with chest pains and shortness of breath. Took a trip to the ER to get checked out. They did all the tests, blood, exrays, monitors. My blood pressure was high but since I have no risk factors they told me it's anxiety and gave me a prescription for anti anxiety meds. I was also told to see a physician as soon as I could and I didn't want to take anymore days off from work so it went to a local doctor later that evening. He said it could be my thyroid.. told me to take my blood pressure everyday and keep a log of it and see him next week. So that's what I have been doing the last 3 days. I still feel breathless now and again. Knitting does help to make me feel a little calmer. I'm trying to figure out if I have some kind of anxiety trigger. Who knows.

i hope everything will be ok for you.
On the high note, the entrelac looks really good.
That sounds scary! I hope you're feeling better and the doctors figure out what's wrong soon.
Oh Adrienne, it does sound scary. I am glad that you are listening to your body and had yourself checked out. Hopefully you weren't alone that night. Stay on top of the bp monitoring then the drs will have a better idea of what to do instead of the hit or miss procedure. That never seems to work.
And of course, your entrelac scarf is beautiful. Praying for you!
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