I was looking through the latest issue of vogueknitting and saw these.. How great are those.. you can choose the point, length and end caps of these needles.. a bit pricey though but wouldn't it be nice to have one set in the size that you use for lace.. they have the pointiest points I have ever seen.. btw the price for this one would be $32.00.. sigh...
The other item I saw was the shawl pins.. I think that would be perfect for keeping a shawl draped just right in place. Some of the shawl pins are also a bit pricey..
Speaking of notions and things.. has anyone found the perfect knitting bag?... If you have drop me a line.. (^-^)
I love the Jordana Paige bags. I think I may be getting one for my birthday... I'll bring it to knit night for you to check out!
Thanks for your imput brena!!
HI, I really admire people who do loads and loads of knitting...It takes me sooo long to finsih a project.
I would like advice pls on winding up skeins of wool...I am in a right pickle with some laceweight cashmere that I tried to unwind...now it is in a tangled heap! What does everyone do?
Clara.. just go slowly and find the other end and start winding a ball. you will probably have to weave the new ball in.. over.. under and around yarn to untangle it. I use a swift and a ball winder usually to wind skeins of yarn into balls. The yarn shop u bought the yarn at can usually wind it for u before u take it home. hope it all untangles..
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