I'm hoping to turn this fleece into yarn by the end of the day.. can I do it?? I also have to run a few errands and run all over town.. and then there is INOKissimmee meeting tonight.. hum..
I'm still feeling anxious here and there through out the day and when using the medication I start feeling depressed for no reason at all.. Someone suggested some herbal treatments that I'm going to look into today. Hopefully that will help without the side effects.
Wow.. this seems to be knitting up really fast. ( maybe I'm knitting faster from all my anxiety!!) I'm at the halfway mark right now and just added the second ball of black yarn. I'm hoping I will make it to the end without having to purchase that one more ball of yarn and only use a few yards out of it. I actually like working with this yarn. I think I'm going to stock up on some for later use. There are a few more projects that call for this wieght yarn that I have on my queue. Also my brother would like me to knit him a red scarf and I think this yarn will make a nice warm fluffy scarf for him. After I finish knitting this and if I really like it I might make a few in different colors as gifts. (^_^)
Well the last few days have been very stressful and so there isn't much knitting to show. I did start my entrelac wrap though.
The other night I woke up with chest pains and shortness of breath. Took a trip to the ER to get checked out. They did all the tests, blood, exrays, monitors. My blood pressure was high but since I have no risk factors they told me it's anxiety and gave me a prescription for anti anxiety meds. I was also told to see a physician as soon as I could and I didn't want to take anymore days off from work so it went to a local doctor later that evening. He said it could be my thyroid.. told me to take my blood pressure everyday and keep a log of it and see him next week. So that's what I have been doing the last 3 days. I still feel breathless now and again. Knitting does help to make me feel a little calmer. I'm trying to figure out if I have some kind of anxiety trigger. Who knows.
Hot off the needles.... I just finished tucking in all the ends and now she just needs a wash and a little blocking and ta-dah.. and winter jacket. I started this project as a way to get rid of all the left over balls of yarn in my closet, but once I started I didn't want to add all the colors that I had.. so I went and purchased more plum and one skein of black to finish it. Now there are more left overs... hummm. Anyway I'm happy with the out come.
Pattern: Leaf Motif Jacket by Mellisa LaBarre found in Vogue Knitting Fall 2009
Yarn: Lion Brand thick & quick, colors Fig and black
Needles: size 13 circulars. ( the longest ones that I had)
So you know what that means... I get to start a new project today!!
Progress on my Vogue Leaf Motif Jacket. I'm trying to finish the second sleeve this morning before work. I enjoyed my Sunday morning watching Sunday Morning on ABC. Then browsing some beautiful knitting patterns on Ravelry . So many beautiful patterns are making my ravelry queue grow even bigger! One of the patterns that I queued is Bonnie Sennott's Rising Fog shawl. It's a beaded rectangular shawl.. something I would like to knit after the holiday knitting is finished.
Last night was my knitting group meeting. I working on the jacket while there. I encountered a problem at the point where I did the last Russian join.The yarn slipped out from knitting with it and made a hole. It was about 2" back so I ripped and rejoined the yarn making sure this time that It was joined well and knitted on. I'm now 2" shy of finishing the body. Next .. on to the sleeves..
Lately we have been experiencing some pretty intense rain storms here in Florida. The clouds actually look black. This picture was taken right before almost hurricane type rain. The only difference is that the wind wasn't as intense and the storm was short and didn't last hours.