Moving on to the finished project of the day.. Rainy day socks from Magknits.. I decided to rename mine "sock sacrilege".. I still can't believe I actually knit them with acrylic baby yarn.. sometime I wonder about myself and the things that go through my head at certain times.. scary!! .. well they fit.. that's a plus!!!

Some times a little change is good.. Eve gave me this wonderful superwash merino sock yarn.. now if u have looked at some of my previous projects u will notice that I do like green and make quite a few green projects.. too many green projects.. and this yarn just happens to be green.. (I have even made it clear to myself that I am not allowed to purchase green yarn this year.. at all)
so.... I wanted to brake up the green a little and over dyed it with blue and purple.. there is still a lot of green but just not as much.. I'm kind of excited to see how it will knit up..I'm giving this yarn a new name too.. Tar pit..If u play WoW.. and u have reached lvl 50.. u will have gone to Un' Goro crater to do some quests.. and there u would have had to kill Tar Lords.. the color that the yarn is now reminds me of that area.. all green and lush with big dark tar pools and the leafy looking Tar lords that hide in the pools.. hummm.. maybe I should just take a picture and let u decide.. thanks again for peeking.. (^_^)