I had a day off today.. and did the usual stuff.. clean up.. wash clothes ... etc... then we sat down and watched a couple of movies and I was able to work on my flip flop socks...what is a good movie without some chocolate cake!!! uuummm yummm.
Flip flop socks at 90% done... woot... finished..!!!
Another knitted bracelet knit with gold 26 gauge wire and assorted pink glass beads.. with a pretty clasp.. I actually took a little break from knitting this past week.. I started a few projects and ended up ripping them all out.. then I didn't work on anything really for a few day..I guess thats called the knitting slump..
I want to thank u all for the happy birthday wishes.. I had a very nice birthday and a yummy birthday cake..(no picture because we ate it already!!!..) even though I had to work.. A lovely present from my daughter... a ravelry tee-shirt!!! I will wear it proudly... (^_^)
I bet u were wondering what happened to these socks.. I've been knitting about one to two rows a day.. and I have finally reached the point of making the toes... they are to be flip flop socks.. only time will tell how they will turn out..I was unsure of the length and last night at NYGK megaknits helped me out with that.. so onward toes..!!!
I finished Reading in bed shrug #.. I'm really pleased with it although the yarn wasn't what I thought it was.. (see prior post about yarn mystery).. the finished product is soft and silky and a nice shade of olive green.. sorry that the pictures don't do the color justice...If u haven't made a reading in bed shrug .. it's a really fast project .. I will probably make another!!!
Knitty's Perdita.. start to finish...the first time I saw Perdita I wanted to make it.. well I finally got around to it.. picked out my thread and beads...
I didn't do a gauge.. maybe I should have.. I think for the next one ( and there will be another) I'm going to use the next size larger needle.. for this projec..t I used the recommended size 1 or 2.25mm... since I knit on the firm side.. at the end of the 4 repeats I came up a little short and would have added another repeat but I didn't have the forethought to add more beads just in case.
So.. I added a few rows of single crochet to each end.. and now it's just perfect.. I love it!!
The mystery is solved.. I did a burn test finally on the mysterious green yarn.. and the result was that it curled up into a little melted ball.. no ash.. so it's definitely acrylic ... no natural fiber.. ooo well .. it's knitting up very nicely anyway and is very soft..
So many green projects.. I'm a green yarn magnet for some reason... even when I promise myself not to pick green yarn.. I still have loads of it.. Reading in bed shrug #2 is over 50% done and the flip flop socks I have been working on for ever are about 80% done.. maybe I'll finish one of these in the next few days.. I'm hoping to make it to OKW tomorrow .. I have to work in the morning and if I'm not too tired I'll run over there.. I think one of my favorite pastimes is to sit and knit with a group of other knitters... I would do it everyday if I could... wouldn't u!!!
Second time around for the Reading in Bed shrug.. Don't ask me what the yarn is.. megaknits traded it for some yarn I had at one of the yarn trading nights we have at NYGK (NYGK link can be found on the side bar).. I can't tell what the fiber content is either.. It could have acrylic and or wool.. I'll have to do a burn test maybe.. any way it's very soft and is knitting up really nice... what you see there is one afternoon of knitting.. I have to work today.. so there will probably not be as much progress..
Next up is Perdita by Elizabeth Klett.. I bought the perle cotton and beads yesterday.. I'm not really sure when I'll start knitting it.. there are too many projects that I want to knit.. my ravelry queue has gotten enormous !!!... I want to knit some of the projects in my queue as a stash project with a particular yarn in mind and then others ... just because...and some would make nice gifts.. others would be challenging ... and oooo my.. the lace shawls... and socks..!!! Right now I think it would take me a few years of straight knitting to knit every item on my queue.. sigh.. so maybe I'll do the stash projects first.. if I use up stash yarn.. that makes room.. for umm more yarn!!!
My newest project is the crochet childs top from lion brand yarn..this is moving along pretty quickly.. I'm crocheting it with the Lion brand microspun.. not my favorite yarn because it splits very easily.. the finished result is very soft with a nice drape quality.. soft enough for a 2 year old.. (^_^)
Most recent finished project are the silk lace booties.. wow.. silk is such a nice fiber for baby stuff.. well maybe booties.. it is hand washable only.. but it's so soft and... silky..
This is the reading in bed shrug..(pdf).. I finished this a few days ago.. for this I used Plymouth yarns Shire Silk.. its very light and airy... I made this as a sample for a shop and will be delivering it today...now I want to make one for myself.. I need to pick something from my stash.. so I'll be digging through that in a few.. I might not emerge for a while.. 0.0 ...
Here are the booties I had mentioned the other day that I would be knitting. I'm using Regal silk for these.. this is the first time I have knit booties with silk.. it's so lovely to work with I don't think I can make booties out of anything else now..This is the pattern I'm using which I found on Ravelry of course... hopefully these will be finished today.. so I can get back to finishing my other projects.. (socks... reading-in-bed shrug and more wire bracelets!!)
Finished goodies... woo hoo this is finished finally!!!.. I used a vintage pattern for this and updated it with a little fluff.. next up will be some booties.
I've been experimenting with wire both knit and crochet.. this if very addicting but hard on the fingers. I've been using 26 gauge wire and just bought some 28 gauge to play with.. that seems like it will be the perfect thickness... maybe my fingers wont be so sore...
Well... I was doing my weekly blog reading and came across this.. on Lets knit2gether.. Metal arts.. ooo how interesting and pretty.. it looks so easy.. let me see I have wire.. I have beads..!! 2 hours later.. ouchy.. metal is hard to on the fingers and hands.. but still I knit on.. because it doesn't look that bad .. really... so onward I go and try more with different beads and different wire..(now I know why she used larger beads) the little beads have a mind of their own and slip in between the loops of wire... well after trying to adjust them a few times I stopped for now.. I will be adding the clasp to the gold bracelet and fight a little more with the silver bracelet to see if I can get it to work..maybe play around with some crochet wire.. who knows...
I bet at this point you are tired of seeing this project.. I know how you feel.. but look!!!... it's starting to look like a baby hooded cape... I hope to finish off this last ball of yarn and start on the edging today..----->
I had purchased the pinto with booties in mind.. but I might use it on the hooded cape as the edging.. I'm not sure yet.. I'll have to play with it and try a little to see how it looks.. and...I just started cleaning out my yarn stash closet about a minute ago and am reorganizing it.. that might take a while.. !!!