I love this yarn by Patons. Colorwul. I just can't decide if I like it better knit or crochet so I keep working on both. below I went to Joanns craft store ( the only place that sells yarn near by) and picked up some fun stuff. When I moved I only brought the bare essentials with me so now I have be having to purchase new items here until I can ship the rest.
Beautiful Washington. Right now all the trees are so beautiful and bright with color.. Almost every day there has been pretty heavy fog for part of the days and night. Kind of pretty and mysterious.Some times I feel like I'm in a Harry Potter movie when I get out of work and the bus pulls up in the mist.
A boy beanie for my son. I mostly have been knitting hats and cowls to keep us warm.
Autumn is beautiful in Washington state. It was worth taking a very long scenic route to the grocery store. The weather is cool and sunny, sometimes chilly. Everything on the way was so pretty. One of the houses we walked past had a lavender hedge. It smelled so good.
There are a lot of pine trees here and when they drop needles the ground ends up looking like this. So pretty! I don't think I have ever seen mushrooms that looked like these. They look like they have little feathers.
I can't believe the brilliance of color of the leaves. It is all so beautiful. It makes me not mine all the walking I do to get to work. The red trees are right across the street from my apartment but the yellow are at one of the bus stops I wait at for a transfer.
And yes.. I am knitting. This is a hat from left over yarn for my son. It sort of reminds me of the colors of the picture above it. Yellow trees, gray road, shades of brown.
Every day I need at least two cups of coffee to have any energy to do all the things I need to do here. Everyone seems to drink lots of coffee all day at work too. This beautiful scene was taken on my way to work walking over the over pass. Washington State is very beautiful. I love the beautiful colors of autumn. They are actually more brilliant in real life. My phone dulls the colors. I had to walk to a different bus stop yesterday because the bus driver didn't stop. The area I walked to was really pretty.
This cowl is so fun to make and super fast. It looks like a ring of pompoms when you wear it. It's pretty warm too. I just have to tuck in the ends.
Some other projects I finished in the last 10 days. My fair isle hat. I use Lion Brand Amazing for this. It is actually very soft but you have no control as to where the colors are going to end up. I thought the center would be a pretty blue, but blue ended up in the left over ball so I'm not crazy about the color combo... yellow, pink and red... blek
This side came out a little better as far as the colors.
Progress on my crayon shawl. I only work on this on the bus ride to work and in the break room. It's slowly... very slowly growing. (lots of crumbs on the break room table).
Finally blogging on my computer instead of my phone. It took a while between work and moving to get everything set up. This is where I sit and eat now. A lot different than Florida but it is nice and cozy. There are pretty condos across the street with nice land scaping to look at.
Knitting progress.. I'm slowly making progress on my crayon shawl. I work on this on the bus to and from work. I probably do a couple of rows a day right now... but it is growing. Below is a hat that I had to whip up because it got pretty cold pretty fast. For me at least it's cold. I have to wait for the bus in the early mornings and after dark sometimes and it went into 40's which starts to feel bitter when you are just standing there. Any way it is perfect and I have worn it already and it keeps my little head warm. When I finish the crayon shawl, I will have a nice warm matching set.
Another hat for the colder weather. I was hoping to whip this one out in a few days... but it looks like it is going to take me a lot longer than that to finish. Knitting at night seems to cause mistakes. I had to rip out the same 4 rows 3 times...and for the same reason. I missed a stitch somehow and it was just sitting there and I knit over it and the pattern got messed up and that is how I noticed it. So I ripped it out to the dropped stitch and repeated this whole process 2 more times. Sigh. Well now I am being very careful and rechecking my knitting every 20 stitches or so. I'm using Wool Ease and Amazing, both Lion Brand yarns, stuff I had in my stash.
Autumn in this area is really nice. This pretty display is in the entrance at wholefoods. They put a lot of work setting them up and changing them, very often too.