Here is my progress....I've been slowly working on the sleeves.. the pattern says to make the sleeves 12" long.. i thought that was overly long and would end up looking like a sweater out of a dr. seuss book. so i stopped ribbing when the sleeve was 9 1/2"... i hope that will be ok..it looks about right to me... I just picked up the stitches for my second sleeve and have knit about 4 rows... click on the picture for a closer look.. (^_^)....
I have been letting my lace sit on the table untouched.... I'm working up the courage to rip back and try to fix my pattern....in the mean time I've been working on a baby bolero here and there....... news from WoW...> my fellow players on WoW have turned lvl 60 and we were working on getting some epic armor items... so we can be all fancy....such hard work.. 0.0...