I don't know why I have been so totally exhausted lately. I've been getting the required amount of sleep but it just doesn't seem to help. It has been taking every fiber of my being to knit and go to work and run around DSW asking people if they need help finding shoes and if they are rewards members. I sit at home and fall asleep at the computer on and off all day. Maybe it's the stress from still waiting for the AC to be fixed.. the thought of the tremendous utility bill I will have to pay next month because we have been running the air and it's not turning off very often because it still leaks gas from the inside unit. Hopefully this will all be over on Saturday when the inside unit will be installed. I was 3 days late paying my utilities this month and they already sent me a disconnect notice and added a $10.00 fee to the already high bill. DSW is cutting hours and now I have 3 days of work there. I guess it's time to hit the pavement so to speak for another part time job. I have been trying to knit in my spare time to get this little sunflower doll finished before Abby's birthday.. but the day is aproaching pretty fast. Why does time pass so fast now. According to the pattern I have knit the right amount of sunflower pedals for the hat, but I think it could use 2 more so I'm hoping to knit those before work today and knit the shoes tonight if I'm not to tired... I'm also picking up the spindle and spinning a little everyday even if it is just for a few minutes... Abby
wow the sunflower is looking very good. I don't think I have the patience to weave in all those ends (from the petal). Abby is really pretty too. So sorry to hear that your exhausted all the time. Is the heat really that bad there? Maybe you should have a vacation to Bergen. We just got hit with hail, and rain storm here. Very cold. It killed all dh's lettuce :( Hope you'll feel better soon!
What a cute sunflower doll! And, of course, what a cute granddaughter. :)
After 3 days they sent you a notice? That's ridiculous! I hope you get your AC fixed soon. Ours went out last year and leaked through our ceiling (our inside unit is upstairs) and it was a mess. The AC guys actually whipped out saws and welding equipment and were here for days. I feel your pain, it's hot!
wow the sunflower is looking very good. I don't think I have the patience to weave in all those ends (from the petal). Abby is really pretty too.
So sorry to hear that your exhausted all the time. Is the heat really that bad there? Maybe you should have a vacation to Bergen. We just got hit with hail, and rain storm here. Very cold. It killed all dh's lettuce :(
Hope you'll feel better soon!
The sunflower doll is so cute!
Just a thought - Have you gone to the doctor to have your thyroid gland checked? An underactive thyroid can make you very tired (I know, I have one).
What a cute sunflower doll! And, of course, what a cute granddaughter. :)
After 3 days they sent you a notice? That's ridiculous! I hope you get your AC fixed soon. Ours went out last year and leaked through our ceiling (our inside unit is upstairs) and it was a mess. The AC guys actually whipped out saws and welding equipment and were here for days. I feel your pain, it's hot!
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