this morning I worked on putting finishing touches on my projects.. I sewed the buttons on my ubernatural pattern by Stefanie Japel... I couldn't find 9 buttons large enough so decided to buy some wood discs and drill holes in them and paint them black.. I did that yesterday..I like how they turned out and they are light so they don't weigh down the front of the sweater.. I used 3 strands of patons classic wool merino held together on a size 17 needle.. which made the sweater soft and spongy feeling... a good way to use up extra yarn.. it fits nice too.. I would make this again..

a weird view of my finished lace tank top.. I used ribbon instead of the crochet ties used in the pattern.. I like it better...I didn't think that the little crochet chain would feel very comfortable around my neck after an hour or so..

when I woke up this morning I noticed this sooty black mark on the rug that no one in the house has any idea how it got there... hummm.. I vacuumed the loose particles up but there is still a black mysterious smudge.. well guess I'll go shampoo the rug now..