
Thursday, July 24, 2008

cRazy sTuff!

Project of the day:.. hum this could be a good idea or a bad one.. I'll know which in a bit..

Progress: My icarus shawl..(scroll down for the picture).. it doesn't look like it , but there is a whole lot of knitting there...this yarn is really fine and I'm using size 3 needles.. crazy!!!!... I have hit the first big color change.. yay!!.. I think that is what has been keeping me going.. what I don't like is that the stitch markers I'm using are creating a gap in between the stitches where they are placed.. and I'm not going to rip... I refuse.. so before I knit any more I'm going to make some fine stitch markers with some nylon beading wire and crimp beads...I think that should work.. also slipping the markers I'm using now so many times is starting to irritate my fingers... These were my preferred lace markers until now... I think this yarn is just too fine for them..

1 comment:

Brena said...

I pet that yarn every time I go into Sip N Knit! It's so eye-catching.