Yes... it's done!!.. cute as can be...I think every baby should have a li'l monkey afghan.!!.. this was a fun project.. when i was working on the edging at first I thought it didn't seem like a good edging for this... but asI got more of the edging done.. I realised it was whimsical.. just like the afghan....
Before the li'l monkey there was the Puff Dreams baby afghan... well you haven't seen that finished because I ran out of yarn with 12" left to finish on the edging... I finally got to Michael's this weekend to buy one more ball... and yes I was able to finished that afghan too...!!!
I'm very pleased with how both baby afghans turned out...

This Saturday I did make it to the Sip and Knit birthday party... and of course she had sales..and raffles.. and food.. and drinks.. fun fun fun.. and I did come home with yarn.. 0.0
(don't ask why I bought green yarn again)..some how I came home with some classic cashcotton for my knucks.. and some noro kureyon for the cable footies in Oneskein.. and some fancy kettle dyed pure merino wool from Malabrigo for a felted backlog cover(a microwavable sented pillow that reduces tension and relieves muscle soreness) .. tiny little size 2 dpn..and 2 baby sweater patterns for $1.00..!!...all these projects are for Christmas presents.... I feel like I'm behind on my Christmas knitting this year..hopefully this will get me motivated to get some presents done soon..!!

Behind???? I'm pretty sure you could knit up my Christmas list in a week!!!!!! Don't worry, we've still got about 4 more months.
Adorable! I love the monkey blanket... so cute! And your "caffine" looks so yummy too!!!
Yeah, I wish I could knit as fast as you, I'll still be knitting for my christmas list next summer. The blankets look great
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