What do u do on a rainy day...

Well for one reading is good on rainy days.. and projects.. little by little I'm working on my moogle pattern... I'll be done in a day or 2... Harry Potter is getting deap.. I've been reading that little by little too... Reading blogs.. helping someone work on their myspace... blah blah.. etc.
Then .. as I was reading blogs I came across Yarnish's blog.. and she mentioned how she had some Ravelry invites she was sitting on and wanted to share.. So she decided to have a raffle so I figured what the heck.. and decided last minute to join the raffle.. she has a list of what u needed to do and I did what she required and then... and then... I won an invite!!!.. I never win anything.. but I actually won..!!! So I am now on Ravelry and my screen name is apixiegirl of course.. so I'll be there on and off today checking it out... Thank u Yarnish.. hello Ravelry!!!
I still can't believe I won.. omy..(^_^)

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