Spinning has been happening.. I actually worked on my sock yarn yesterday and almost have the second spool done... and I'm almost at the end of the roving... It's so hard to get both spools with equal amounts of yarn on them.. I use the good old "by eye" method...it's not very accurate.

Progress on the rib lace bolero: I really like working with lion brand cotton ease.. it has a nice drape quality to it.. but... with that comes the tendency to unravel from the skein... so before I go any farther I have to rewind that mess into a ball... I need some type of skein management for the next skein of yarn.. maybe a piece of old pantyhose... or something like that.. maybe a yogurt container minus the yogurt with a hole in the lid.. either will probably work and save a lot time untangling and rewinding. OOOO ... yes I got Harry Potter #7.. I haven't read much yet..I plan to make it last.. take my time... enjoy it.. I'm sure there are quite a few people who have finished it already.. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!!.. that said I will avoid all references to the book until I finish.. hopefully I will be successful.. (^_^)

My daughter Brooke shared the link to the Purlsoho news letter with me.. there are some very nice patterns .. all different mediums.. knit, crochet, quiting and embroidery ... here is a link to a nice tutorial on making a granny square.. check out the site...and have fun crafting today(^_^)
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