Yes!!! It's done. don't mind this bad picture.. my bf took it , man he could have told me to fix my shirt in the back (^_^)... It's been really humid and very hot here in Florida.. (to hot for real long hair and not a day to model sweaters)

This is a close up of the sleeve edging I decided on. I'm finally pleased with it. Just enough green and not so much green that I would have to run and buy another ball of yarn for a few rows of edging.

Here is a not so good picture of the finished shrug.. I'll take better pictures maybe today.

The moogle report: all the body parts are knitted.. I wasn't sure if a moogle has a tail.. so I looked up pictures online and didn't see a tail anywhere .. so my moogle has no tail.

He is almost assembled.. and still needs wings and the bobble on his head needs to be attached. Then I have to make his little messenger bag. I'll be working on that today.. I still have to figure out how I'm going to knit the wings .

your shrug is amazingly gorgeous!!!
That is, by far, the moggliest moogle that I've ever seen!
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