This spindle just arrived in the mail a about a week ago and of course I just couldn't wait to try it. I have never spun on a Turkish spindle before and it's always fun to try something new. This spindle spins at an even pace for quite a while and is very steady. Chez Plum asked me if it spun slow . I wouldn't call it exactly slow but you can only spin as fast as your fingers can't twirl it. I usually use the staff to twirl it and I have tried using the bottom part where it is bigger, but the speed is about the same. If you want speed I don't think its the spindle for you. It's more about the process than the speed with a Turkish spindle. I have to say it's fun to spin with but it does take a bit of patience. I love this roving btw. It's gorgeous to work with. I'm thinking of using it as a single for lace. I still need to work on getting my singles more even. Well I'll have plenty of practice. (^_^)

I've been looking forward to seeing your Icarus blocked. It is so lovely and delicate in that yarn. Looks very light - perfect for Florida!
Your Icarus looks AMAZING! I love how the last color turned out.
Thanks you for comments. I was unsure of the last color but it turned out ok.
Oh my, it is beautiful! Can't wait to see the other pictures. You are definitely and inspiration to me and giving me courage to start doing lace.
My next two projects are socks and lace after I use my birthday yarn for a cardigan for the holidays and the first cold winter I will have experienced in a long, long time.
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