Everyone has a different time relationship with their knitting.. some of us knit all the time and others knit when they have time and others have an on and off relationship with knitting... what ever your relationship is with your knitting.. it's always a wonderful feeling when u finally finish a project.. no matter how long it took u to finish..
This sweater was a long time in the making..(maybe that makes it a little more special) and I wasn't the person that knit it!!.. This was made by my daughter Brooke.. it was supposed to be a present for her bf for Christmas 2005...she wanted to make it a surprise so she would only work on it when he was at work.. (she also had a full time job as a chef).. then she would carefully tuck it away so he couldn't see it which gave her limited time for knitting.. well.. life happened ... a baby.. some job changes.. being a new mom and working.. and so..knitting was put to the side.. and some how she has found time to work in it again.. and as of Monday.. this sweater was finished.. the pattern is from Amy Singers' book Knit wit and it's called hidden agenda..the yarn used .. mano del uruguay.. color 55 olive..
little Abby is modeling.. hehe so cute.. I just wanted to say Gratz Brooke.. on a beautiful sweater.. well done.