
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

jUsT 3..!!

Just 3 piles of yarn to choose from.. oooo noesss which should I choose..?? the first pile is my newly spun "aqua girly purly" yarn with some cotton from my stash.. this could be possibly another shrug.. ( u can never have enough shrugs.. can u?)

here is a group of sweet pink yarn intended for some kind of baby item.. dress.. shrug..etc.(babies can't have enough shrugs either can they?)

And last but not least..a pile of earthy green yarn.. some homespun merino/silk with alpaca and cotton yarn.. this could be a shrug too.. !!

So .. today I have been staring at these 3 piles of yarn trying to decide which one I will knit with next.. girly purly.. earthy green.. sweet pink.. hum.... this could take awhile..


magKNITficent said...

It's a tough choice...I like the girly purly

Anonymous said...

Oh my - no one can blame you for having a hard time with deciding what yarn to use next - these are all so beautiful with their colours and awesome textures - a tough choice indeed! But I wish you all the best of luck with that decision - and happy knitting of course!
PS: I love your handspun!