Gloves!!! or one glove at least..I've made lots of mittens and one pair of gloves through out my knitting career.. I never liked knitting the fingers because they were small and close to each other and everything seemed to be in the way and hard to handle... but then!!!... I noticed there were these stubby dpns at my LYS .. so.. I bought some.. (you can never have enough knitting supplies) because you just never know when u get a brain storm (like Saturday night) to knit the most fabulous project and u find u don't have the right size needles.. and your LYS will not be open again until sad is just incase I bought stubby dpn in the 2 sizes I use most for little items.. and... that just happened to be the size I needed to make the fingers on these gloves.. and they were wonderful and I didn't feel like I needed to have 3 hands to be able to knit them.. so this has totally changed my mind about knitting gloves.. they are no longer on the list of items I hate to knit...on to the next glove.. (^_^)

Wow! Beautiful glove and scarves!
I really like the arm part of the glove. Is that your own pattern?
that is really a good knitted glove. i love your harlot scarfs too.. did you follow a pattern for the gloves or just winged?
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