well... my batteries died in my camera... this is the picture I got right before that happened... I'm actually spinning after many months of baby knitting and other projects... I'm using my louet .. the one I got for Christmas last year and I haven't put many hours of spinning on it yet .. I don't even think it has the require amount of spinning hours on it to consider it broken in.. and I'm certainly not used to it ..all of my spinning experience has been on my ashford traditional single drive wheel...the louet has it's own personally.. and I'm really trying to make it my friend..I think it's a bit bossy.. My goal is to make some worsted weight yarn... I have a tendency to spin a little thinner than that.. but I'm trying..!!! .. the other 2 projects I'm working on are... (and there will be pictures when I get some batteries).. my octoberfest sock.. (oh my).. I'm up to the gusset on the first sock.. and a frilly wrap knit on size 15 needles with lion brand moonlight mohair in grey and black tones... I'm sort of doing the round robin thing with my projects..

...all ready for winter.. (^_^)..!!!

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