YAY!! today is a day of finished projects..!!! The nursey is almost there.. a few finishing touches are needed.. curtains and the throw rug.. maybe some pictures.. as u can see the chair rail didn't make it...I painted 95% of it and it didn't look right so I painted over it and just left one biege stripe... I'm pleased with it now.. baby cloths are being washed.. crib sheets.. and blankets all washed and put in their places.. everything just about ready.. (^_^)

I'm sure u are sick of seeing these glove and that scarf.. hehehe.. but I had to show u that they are really and truely finished.. !!!! how long does it take to knit a tiny finger..!!! It seemed like it took me so long.. and there has to be a way to stop those little holes from developing inbetween the fingers.. I casted on the amount the pattern told me to at each finger and I still got little holes that I had to darn up after. Gloves are not my favorite thing to knit but I actually liked knitting these for some reason.. Now I'm thinking that every one should make at least one pair of gloves..!!!.. (^_^)
Adrienne, the nursery looks lovely! That's one lucky baby to have such a great Nana.
Man that nursery is awesome. I wish mine would get done. :0( Hopefully it will be finished before the baby gets here. Hopefully. And thanks for the comment on the pregnancy picture (thank god for photoshop is what I say).
nice nursery...
and nice gloves.. i commented about them before i know :) but i have to express my admire :) gloves makes me scare :P
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