Well u can see what has happened to my bag-yarn bag.. I wasn't happy with the shape and ripped it out. It is now rolled back into balls of bag yarn.. sigh...
So of course I started a new bag in a different shape.. It looks a little wompy but I think it will be ok once it's finished with handles. The bag yarn kind of fun to work with anyway. A good way to recycle.. as it takes quite a lot of bags to make enough yarn. (^_^)
I want to thank everyone for your kind and encouraging comments on my patterns. I'm a newbie designer and writing patterns is something that does not come easy for me. Probably the reason it takes me so long to write them and the fact that on some of the items that I designed .. I had used weird methods to attach the knitting to the crochet parts... So.. anyway.. thank you. I'm so excite..!!
Movie report. I watched 300 with my bf.. it was good.. he loved it and watched it twice.. I have 2 more movies from netflix waiting for me to find the time to watch.. Peaceful Warrior and The Last Mimzy..
I love the booties, so cute!!
The bag looks better with the new pattern, I like the shape. :)
And you patterns are great! Kudos on writing up something nice that all of us can use. I love that baby hat.
those duck slippers are SO cute, and your baby cardi and hat are beautiful too !!
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