I've been purging my stash..the knitting machine helps a lot. I can knit up large pieces of plain knitting really fast. This is a tote being knit up.. that I later felted.. and of course I didn't use a pattern...
The top edging was knit by hand and I added a pocket to the outside.
Here it is somewhat finished. I put it through one cycle in the washing machine and unfortunately I over felted it.. I should have checked it every few minutes.. I have felted this yarn before and it took 2 machine cycles to felt it to the size I wanted it to be... oo well.. I've been thinking of adding to the top somehow and of course handles. I would have liked the tote to be deeper and not as long... so it's just sitting there while I stew over it. The color is nice though. (^_^)
Last night I casted on The Mosaic Mitts from the IK Holiday gifts 2006 issue. This is another pattern I have wanted to make since I got magazine and it's so much fun. I'm using my left over yarn from the pinwheel sweater I made last year.. 0.0..!! pictures soon..
Abigail looks soooo big!! The sweater is darling. :)
the tote is cute , I love the color combination!!
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