I was so tired last night when I blogged that I couldn't see straight.. I had wanted to post this picture of Jayden so that Brit could see it from the hospital..the nurses had removed the tubes from his nose for a minute before putting a larger one in and they let me take a picture. Jayden was blowing some bubbles and still had one tube end in his mouth.. but mostly tube free. This picture is for u Brit..
Baby Jayden was born today at around 12:45 in the afternoon.. a beautiful baby boy.. 7 lbs 5 oz.. His mom Brit had to have a c-section because he was in distress.. Unfortunately he was in contact with group b strep from his mom and is very sick now. She got to see him for about 20 minutes and got to touch him.. then he was taken to the baby ICU in Orlando... we are praying for his quick recovery.. so mom and baby can be together as soon as possible.

Yummy!!!.. I made my pies tonight.. and they smell so good.. The knife I checked it with was a little big .. 0.0... but all is good.. I can't wait for turkey day!!!.. everyone have a good thanksgiving.. (^_^) spinning and knitting and pies.. OOO my
well... my batteries died in my camera... this is the picture I got right before that happened... I'm actually spinning after many months of baby knitting and other projects... I'm using my louet .. the one I got for Christmas last year and I haven't put many hours of spinning on it yet .. I don't even think it has the require amount of spinning hours on it to consider it broken in.. and I'm certainly not used to it ..all of my spinning experience has been on my ashford traditional single drive wheel...the louet has it's own personally.. and I'm really trying to make it my friend..I think it's a bit bossy.. My goal is to make some worsted weight yarn... I have a tendency to spin a little thinner than that.. but I'm trying..!!! .. the other 2 projects I'm working on are... (and there will be pictures when I get some batteries).. my octoberfest sock.. (oh my).. I'm up to the gusset on the first sock.. and a frilly wrap knit on size 15 needles with lion brand moonlight mohair in grey and black tones... I'm sort of doing the round robin thing with my projects..
...all ready for winter.. (^_^)..!!!

YAY!! today is a day of finished projects..!!! The nursey is almost there.. a few finishing touches are needed.. curtains and the throw rug.. maybe some pictures.. as u can see the chair rail didn't make it...I painted 95% of it and it didn't look right so I painted over it and just left one biege stripe... I'm pleased with it now.. baby cloths are being washed.. crib sheets.. and blankets all washed and put in their places.. everything just about ready.. (^_^)
I'm sure u are sick of seeing these glove and that scarf.. hehehe.. but I had to show u that they are really and truely finished.. !!!! how long does it take to knit a tiny finger..!!! It seemed like it took me so long.. and there has to be a way to stop those little holes from developing inbetween the fingers.. I casted on the amount the pattern told me to at each finger and I still got little holes that I had to darn up after. Gloves are not my favorite thing to knit but I actually liked knitting these for some reason.. Now I'm thinking that every one should make at least one pair of gloves..!!!.. (^_^)
My project of the day... I'm painting a baby nursery.. shew... I've been painting all the little stripes on the border by hand.. I actually just finished painting the last stripe..this picture was taken earlier today. The top portion of the room is a creamy beige and the bottoms is a soft greem with darker green stripes as the border... for tomorrow I'm thinking of adding a faux chair rail..well thats a maybe.. in the mean time.. there is time to knit some fingers on my last glove.. man I'm tired.. heheh
Gloves!!! or one glove at least..I've made lots of mittens and one pair of gloves through out my knitting career.. I never liked knitting the fingers because they were small and close to each other and everything seemed to be in the way and hard to handle... but then!!!... I noticed there were these stubby dpns at my LYS .. so.. I bought some.. (you can never have enough knitting supplies) because you just never know when u get a brain storm (like Saturday night) to knit the most fabulous project and u find u don't have the right size needles.. and your LYS will not be open again until tuesday...how sad is that...so just incase I bought stubby dpn in the 2 sizes I use most for little items.. and... that just happened to be the size I needed to make the fingers on these gloves.. and they were wonderful and I didn't feel like I needed to have 3 hands to be able to knit them.. so this has totally changed my mind about knitting gloves.. they are no longer on the list of items I hate to knit...on to the next glove.. (^_^)

...Well... since I haven't been able to upload any pictures for 2 days... and u know what they say "a picture is worth 1000 words"...yesterday I had lots of projects planned..
first.. I finished my second harlot scarf .. and yes there is a picture floating in cyberspace somewhere waiting to upload...
second.. Bitty needed a new little bed... but it was really just the fabric that covered the foam form that was icky.. so (i never throw anything away) there was fabric a-plenty in my stash.. so I decided to pull the stitching out of the old doggy bed cover and use it as a pattern to sew up a new cover.. the fabric I found was a faux suede type in a leapard pattern and a contrasting fabric in a cream color... I got as far as recovering the pillow for now.. and I'm still picking out stitches on the other part.. that is taking way longer than I thought it would.. but I can't turn back now so I keep picking...
the third project lined up is a bed frame that I want to paint black to match its mate that is already painted black..( it's the second bed syndrome)..it has been lightly sanded, laid out neatly on a drop cloth in the garage and is all ready to be painted.. ( I didn't get to that yesterday and it's still already for a coat of paint)... the third project I had lined up to do yesterday was.. a pair of gloves to be kntted to match the harlot scarf I just finished... I actually worked on the gloves and I'm up to the point where I start the fingers on the first glove.. Yay... the pattern I'm using is from One skein..and im making the meduim size in wool-ease.. yes I know.. why did I use wool-ease.. out of all the yarn I have ever used.. I really dislike wool-ease.. especially for sweaters.. but for some reason it makes a decent glove..besides the fact that the gauge is perfect and it was the only yarn with a matching color..or close to matching the color I used for the scarf. I guess every yarn has a purpose.. sometimes u just have to find out what that purpose is..
today It's raining.. so I think painting the bed is going to have to wait for another day... so it's back to picking out stitching and finishing up some gloves.. (^_^)