0.0... I've already started another project.. the fair isle hooded capelet from loop-d-loop.. this is knit on size 35 needles.. hopefully it wont take me that long.. this is the hood and I have about 4 more rows before I start the body and will have to change circular needles.. these circulars are gigantic..and a little heavy but I'm excited about starting the fair isle design part..

I had to wind off yarn from one of my spools so I could ply my current spinning project. The yarn I had to wind off is 100% alpaca that is was spinning kind of thin.. It's a bit delicate.. not sure if I'm going to use it for anything.. but its nice.. I will show u my pretty skein of newly plied yarn tomorrow.. (^_^)

Happy holiday greetings..(a mini view of my tree)

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